No Winning Formula in Business

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Let’s continue talking about the 7 things that leads in the industry don’t want you to know – that there is no winning formula to business. We are talking about all the times you have heard ‘Buy this X to get X clients/income’. Let’s uncover the truth behind this and why there is no winning formula to business.

Here are the highlights:



[00:00:00] Laura: Welcome to nine to thrive lead generation uncovered with the amazing Nicky Williams, your business mentor for this podcast episode and your tech geek myself, Laura Burnett. So we are currently covering the seven biggest lies that you are being told about business and leaders just don’t want you to know.

[00:00:22] Laura: But we do. We want you to know about these so that you can move your business forward. Um, we don’t want to be told lies anymore, so let’s start getting them uncovered. So if you did miss our first episode, we talked about why you don’t need an ideal client as a business owner. And today is episode, episode two.

[00:00:41] Laura: We are talking about how there is no winning formula to business. So you will know what we’re talking about when you think about all them Facebook ads and all them posts that you’ll see from people advertising, find out the number one strategy that will get you 100,000 pound in sales, or get access to my funnel that will get you 500 pound in sales.

[00:01:05] Laura: You know, all these things that are promising you, that if you’ll follow their exact simple steps and their exact templates, et cetera, that you are going to have a winning result from whatever it is that you are advertising. And we’re telling you that it’s all lies, all lies. It’s all a pile of… Yeah, we’re gonna discuss it.

[00:01:30] Nicky: well, we’ve been in business a little while now, and we have seen many, many, many leaders express their winning strategy, their signature. Process there, there must have marketing strategy that you need now to make your, you know, first 50 K days your a hundred thousand pound days. Um, it’s all rubbish because you cannot go from nothing to that stage.

[00:02:00] Nicky: Now, the biggest thing today we are talking about is, um, sticking to one strategy, one formula. Now, which one do you pick? Okay. It’s like a diet. Okay. So what we don’t wanna be doing is, um, picking one, sticking to it for a week and it didn’t work. Let’s move on to the next one that will make me lose 10 pounds in a week, utter Tosh.

[00:02:24] Nicky: So what we need to do, and we’re saying it plain and simple here is you need to stick to one strategy and be consistent. Now which strategy do you find now you have to focus on your goal. What is your goal? And you break that down and you work out right. Do I want to build a community? Fantastic.

[00:02:45] Nicky: Brilliant. Okay. Make a community, put all of your goal and your strategy into building a community. Make a Facebook group. If that literally sends shivers down your spine. Well, don’t make a Facebook group. There are so many programs out there telling you to make a Facebook group. Those people that have been making Facebook groups have absolutely loathed it unless they love running a community because it is hard work.

[00:03:11] Nicky: You have to create a community community. It doesn’t just happen. So if you can’t be asked with dealing with Facebook groups, don’t do it yourself. Um, I dunno if you agree with that, Laura,

[00:03:25] Laura: We mentioned the episode one into, into where you pick a platform that you enjoy.

[00:03:32] Laura: And you’ve got to enjoy what you do in marketing is hard. Work and business is just hard work. We wear so many hats, but he said, if you’re not enjoying the journey, or if you’ve gone onto, you know, you’ve bought somebody’s strategy and they’ve given you all these templates and these templates are like really salesy or click bait.

[00:03:52] Laura: You don’t like. Or you can’t, you shouldn’t be using that kind of stuff because it’s just gonna come through in your messaging that it’s not sounding like you, and then you won’t actually attract the people that you want to attract into your business.

[00:04:05] Nicky: Yeah, totally. So I used to have a, uh, group program called the business fast track and it worked absolutely fantastically for people that liked working that way, that wanted to, um, run a masterclass and then open a group program.

[00:04:22] Nicky: But if you don’t want to work in a group program and you’d rather work one to one. Then that strategy or that formula won’t work. So it’s really, um, initially starting to test to find out how you like to work. And then you start to realize very, very quickly what is your way? Okay. And the way the best winning formula is to do it your way and be consistent at it.

[00:04:50] Laura: Now that’s a common message into it. So any book you read, any course you go on, there’s always that consistency and that’s what people stop doing. It’s because you fall out of love with it. You just fall out of love with it.

[00:05:06] Nicky: so then it’s all about passion.

[00:05:08] Nicky: You are passionate. So business owners, when they start their business, they’re like, oh my gosh, I’m so high vibe. This is gonna. Absolutely phenomenal. I cannot wait to put my business out there as soon as I’ve got my website out on. I’m just gonna press the button on. Oh my God. People are gonna flood into me and nothing happens.

[00:05:27] Nicky: And so then they go, okay, I’m gonna take a blogging course. Right. I’m gonna do blogging calls. I’m right. Okay. Done. The blogging calls I’ve hit done on the first blog. Nothing happens. Okay. You start a Facebook group. You open it and then you don’t get anybody join in. And they’re like, oh God, what next? And this is it.

[00:05:46] Nicky: It becomes so deflating people become so worn down with all of these different win winning formulas. People get very, very confused about all of these messaging coming from the leaders in our industry. And remember they’re leaders for a reason they’re leaders, because they have made their mark on the world.

[00:06:06] Nicky: Built their resources up. Um, they are, have got huge financial backing. They have now also got people like affiliates, et cetera, building them up to the, be this place. And that is why you are investing in them. It’s not necessarily the system they use. Right now, now what Laura and I do is we use everything we teach and we lead by example, and we are telling you right now, there is a zero winning formula.

[00:06:36] Nicky: There is zero magic source, secret source and all the other super that explain, uh, winning formulas. It’s very business basics. Okay. You’ve got your business. This is your goal. This is your strategy. This is your mission. This is your product or service. We have to work out how we’re gonna get it out there.

[00:06:55] Nicky: And the best way that we can do that is the way that we feel passionate about that we enjoy that we have fun with because they say, is it 80% marketing, 20% delivery. So if you are spending 80% of your time marketing, you are gonna be very worned down business owner, an entrepreneur, if you are not enjoying that chisel.

[00:07:16] Nicky: And if you can’t outsource it. So, yeah. So you’ve recovered now, have you, Laura, you feel a bit better

[00:07:23] Laura: yes. I’ve recovered now from the cough, you know, the dwindling cough, but no, it is like a lot of people come to me. Um, like. In a couple weeks, I’m running a masterclass on automation and some questions are getting submitted.

[00:07:38] Laura: And the question is, what do I automate? There’s no simple answer to this question. Cause there is no winning automation, just, there’s no winning strategy of how to system manage your business. There’s no winning way to do it. There’s no specific way. It’s different. And lots of people when I do our email marketing wizardry course that we have within the thrive business academy, but I am providing people with templated emails, but I actually encourage people not to use them because it doesn’t sound like you, it’s not a winning technique.

[00:08:09] Laura: So if I write an email out today and it has, you know, amazing impact and I get sales from. I could easily do what a leader would now do a leader would now go out and say, sell that or offer it as a free lead magnet. Say, get my winning email that made me 5,000 pound, but there’s no point cause that’s not gonna make someone else 5,000 pound because that’s my voice.

[00:08:31] Laura: And I’ve done a lot of work in the background. Previous to that email to get people warmed up and that consistency. So if you haven’t got that, that’s not gonna win for somebody else. And that’s the same. We’ve got everyone else. They sell Facebook ad templates that will make it sure that you get these ad convert, but it won’t, it will depend on so many other different things.

[00:08:51] Laura: So if you’re not doing the basics, which Nicky mentioned, you know, you’re not getting the basics, right. There’s no one in formula. There just isn’t one. You cannot. Skip the hard work. You can’t buy something and buy a course or buy a strategy and then skip all the hard work and think everything’s just gonna work overnight.

[00:09:09] Laura: It’s just not gonna happen.

[00:09:10] Nicky: little clause there. If you’ve got a huge amount of money to invest in teams to do it for you, you’ll get there quicker. Um, but what I would say is the main, you know, we are all. Or we have been known to be looking for that gold pot at the end of that rainbow. Where is that?

[00:09:29] Nicky: And of course the, the end of the rainbow, nobody ever finds it, but they’re still delighted and excited by that rainbow. They’re all those pretty colors. They’re like, oh my God, that looks so amazing. That looks better than the rainbow I saw earlier. So I’m gonna follow that one until I find the pot of gold, but when they get.

[00:09:44] Nicky: There is no pot of gold because they’ve lost their way and they’re becoming more confused than ever before. And then it becomes a huge mindset battle because we love our business, but now we do, we love it anymore. Or do we loathe it? Are we hating it? We don’t wanna start showing up. We become, we have visibil visibility problems.

[00:10:01] Nicky: We have all of these issues that come up because we become so confused. And it’s like going back to the, the diet analogy. We all know if we just eat healthfully, we will keep to a decent weight. If we just move, we will have a certain amount of fitness, but yet we keep on buying into all of these different strategies and, uh, to lose weight or get fitter because we think that must be the pot of gold.

[00:10:30] Nicky: And it’s all Tosh because. We just need to do the work. We just need to stay in our lane and ignore those rainbows. Say, oh, that looks pretty. Isn’t that nice? I really like that rainbow. I know there’s gonna be lots more along the way, but you know what? I’m really happy focusing in my lane.

[00:10:50] Laura: A good way to explain is like being a kid in a sweetie shop?

[00:10:53] Laura: Isn’t it

[00:10:54] Nicky: oh, it is because it’s brighter. Bigger. Oh, look at my lolly. Oh no, but what about my sweetie pack over here? And it is, it’s like crazy and it’s like, oh, and oh, but my friends that they, they bought those sweets. So I need to do it as well. Um, or, oh my God, those people I’ve admired for so many years.

[00:11:12] Nicky: They are really saying this person’s amazing. Well, that’s cause. Know, they’re an affiliate. They’re gonna make a substantial amount of money from you. Um, so when you’re getting on these calls with people, there’s a reason. Okay. There’s a reason. It’s all part of that. Person’s marketing strategy. And you are just a part in that.

[00:11:32] Nicky: Okay. Remember it’s like chess, isn’t it. You’re just a part. So get in your lane, be around people that advise and support you, but don’t tell you, this is the way and the only way.

[00:11:48] Laura: Because otherwise, like in our membership, what we never do is in that we run a membership. If you dunno, um, the thrive business academy, and it’s a wide range of different business owners, all at different levels.

[00:11:58] Laura: And we never tell people, you must do it this way. We offer all the different ways you can do it, and then it’s down for them to do it. But we do rabbit on, about being consistent and getting the basics. Right. And if something’s not working, going back to the basics, you don’t need another. You don’t need to buy more templates.

[00:12:15] Laura: You don’t need to go invest in any big mastermind or anything like that. You just need to do work and actually be consistent.

[00:12:22] Nicky: Yeah, totally. And actually a little clause there. Some masterminds are okay. I run a mastermind. Well, yeah,

[00:12:28] Laura: Nicky’s masterminds. Mastermind is again, it’s getting, yeah, you get this stuff done.

[00:12:35] Laura: Don’t it. On that one. It. You have to follow a certain pathway. Absolutely

[00:12:40] Nicky: not. And the thing is, is about, um, you know, we are, we come into this world as unique beings, unique humans, and every step of the way through whichever source, we are trying to be like a cattle market, like just being shoved along shoehorned into different places.

[00:12:58] Nicky: And it’s about, no, no, no, I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna stand in my own brilliance and be unique and do it my way. Yes. You need education. Yes. You need to be shown how to do things, but that does not mean you need to be told how to run your business to the degree that you lose yourself. I think that’s the key message here.

[00:13:19] Nicky: So the winning formula is your formula. The way that you enjoy it, the way that you hold your passion and that you enjoy putting it out to the world, because in the end, it’s only a hobby. If you don’t wanna do the marketing, you turn it into a business when you become marketer. And I think then you, if you just be yourself, use your own unique voice and people will love you for it.

[00:13:45] Nicky: People know us because we just show up. We are ourselves, there’s no airs and graces and it’s brilliant. And it works exceptionally well. Doesn’t it? Laura? .

[00:13:56] Laura: I always used to think, why do people listen to me? I’ve got this strange accent, you know, from Yorkshire. But, um, people tell me, they’ll listen to me while they’re in the bath.

[00:14:04] Laura: Or they listen to me while they’re in the gym or going to sleep even. And I’m like, what?

[00:14:10] Nicky: Yeah, it’s just strange. Yeah. I’m just taking the dog for walk and I’ve just been listening to you, Nicky I’m like, what, why are you doing that I’ve been on a dog walk with you.

[00:14:19] Laura: It’s very strange. Isn’t it? But yeah, that.

[00:14:23] Laura: You’ll lie there that, you know, there is no one formula to business. Um, and if we mentioned this in episode one breather, it’s about testing what works as well. So just cause something fails does not mean don’t do it. Don’t do it again. So many people I’ve seen they’ll put a workshop on. They might have only 10 people sign up.

[00:14:40] Laura: Didn’t get enough sales from it. That’s it, then they don’t do it again. It’s a test. That’s all. So whatever you did that way, whatever you did, however you marketed it, that didn’t work. So let’s try something else. What was the deal? And you just got to test. It’s like what I do in tech every day, you’ve just gotta troubleshoot it and it’s gonna be different for every business.

[00:14:59] Laura: Cause it depends on your audience. Depends on your industry. Depends on what team you’ve got as well. And it depends on how much time you’ve got. Naturally what your values are as well. Depends a lot. Cause some people are in business because they wanna get the big but money. They want as much money as they can.

[00:15:16] Laura: Some people are in business because they just wanna be able to support their kids. Some want to be able to work from home, some wanna be able to work Part-time some, they’re just working in the passion. So you’ve gotta find the strategy that suits, what your value is.

[00:15:31] Nicky: totally. I love that because it really is not.

[00:15:33] Nicky: Everybody’s chasing the big money. Um, some people are just wanting a different way of life, a different lifestyle, a different working environment. And it’s about really staying with that and not, not being drawn to the rainbows or the sweetie shop and it’s staying in your lane and, and that will really, really help your mindset.

[00:15:52] Nicky: And in turn, um, all the rest of your business strategy, your goals, et cetera, et

[00:15:57] Laura: And that’s it. So there is no winning formula to business. That is lie number two. So just to recap, lie number one, you don’t need an ICA and lie number two. There’s no winning formula. Stop buying into the winning formula.

[00:16:13] Laura: There is no winning formula. You have a winning formula only you. And if you wanna know all the rest of the seven and a little bit more, make sure you join us for our masterclass in September, where we are gonna be talking more about the seven biggest lies you are being told about business in our masterclass, and you can join it at the Thrive

[00:16:33] Laura: Business Nice and simple. Um, so make sure, even if you’re listening to this podcast episode and September has gone. If you go to that link, you will find information about whatever our current masterclass is gonna be. Cause we are gonna make sure we keep giving value to you.

[00:16:50] Laura: So just a reminder, I feel like I’m one of these radio adverts now go to the thrive business forward slash masterclass. And that’s me and Nicky. The thrive business academy. I was gonna say from nine to thrive, but that’s just the name of the podcast. Um, , as you can tell, we don’t rerecord these episodes.

[00:17:10] Laura: You’ll just get the real content right now. And we will see you on episode three, where we’re gonna talk about the third biggest lie. And I think you’ll like it.

[00:17:19] Nicky: Yeah. Take care.

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